

Connect with topics about anxiety, stress, insomnia, motherhood, self-compassion, and more. 

Typical Teenage Moodiness or Depression?

Typical Teenage Moodiness or Depression?

The dreaded teenage years and all the things that come with it – mood swings, “finding yourself”, social pressure, and so on. Unfortunately, depression and the side effects of being a teenager are often very similar (go figure). So what are some warning signs or red...

Do you have insomnia?

Do you have insomnia?

If you or a loved one have ever suffered through insomnia, you know how it can reach into every corner of your life. Below is a basic overview about insomnia including the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Insomnia- How many people have it? Insomnia is the most...

Understanding Why You Can’t Sleep – Part 1

Understanding Why You Can’t Sleep – Part 1

Are you a good sleeper or a poor sleeper? There are two kinds of people in this world. “Good” sleepers and “poor” sleepers..... and they’re usually married to each other (I kid, I kid....). But every "insomniac" I meet has a story to tell about someone they know who...

The Christmas Card Effect

The Christmas Card Effect

Do you compare yourself to others? Years past I remember getting Christmas cards in the mail and looking at pictures of people in their Christmas photos. This was probably when I was young and newly married. I remember being amazed at how people were able to make...

Finding Meaning After Trauma

I would like to start this blog post with one statement. However you are reacting to this recent tragedy, whatever you’re thinking or feeling, is completely normal. There is not a right way to feel or think.     It is with a heavy heart that I even have to write this...

Coping with Election Burnout

Given that voting ends and starts tomorrow, I thought it would be good to address voting stress. Over the past year, we have each been increasingly exposed to commercials, signs, news coverage, and social media posts. It is hard to escape everyone’s opinion on who...